Me get big, me can wear hair gel.
Me get big, me can wear make up.
Me get big, me can use the orange hair spray.
Me get big, me grow boobs.
Me get big, me wear bra.
Me get big, me can touch stove (LOL!)
Me get big, me drive car.
Me get big, me don't have to hold hands in parking lots.
Me get big, me can cook. (Great! When would you like to get started??)
I'm guessing that we'll have our hands full when Miss Maelin hits the teenage years!!
Love to you all,
Shonda (and the rest of the clan)
She made me laugh too. My mom wrote down things that I have said during my childhood years. She use them to put on the bulletin board at my graduation open house. It was a smash hit. Everyone was laughing at my quotes. I am giving you this advice. Use it for her graduation open house. It will bring tons of memories with laughter. I never knew that I said that. I was surprised that my girls said the some of same quote when I was little. Is that amazing or spooky?? :-)
Laughter is so good for the soul and makes such wonderful memories. Those are cute! You will be in that stage for a long time yet! A bulletin board at graduation will be funny, she will love you for that!!
Hope you all have a super summer. Have fun, stay safe, and may laughter be plentiful!
Love ya,
Shonda your daughter is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your site. Gosh she is one of the prettiest little girls I have seen in a long time. Blessings to you and your family! Heidi
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