What she must have been thinking those first few moments...i can't even fathom. Now that i know her and love her so dearly, i can't imagine how she must have felt, having just been taken away from the only parents she ever knew. I hope they tried to explain it to her. I hope they tried to prepare her for the new family she would meet.
Our time in China was busy and exciting, but we all got sick two days before traveling home. Those first few weeks at home were really difficult for me. We were sick, we were jet lagged, our sleep schedule was on China time (12 hrs difference), and she was grieving for her foster parents. The first day Jim went back to work, i panicked! What was i going to do for 9 hours at home alone with Maelin? The time crept by as we played with play-doh, played dress-up, looked at books (although she didn't enjoy this at all in the beginning), took baths (because she DID enjoy that!) and waited for Baba to come home. I must have looked at my watch 100 times a day. I was sooo exhausted... and quite honestly, i missed having a life of my own. I missed reading books and taking naps and going out with my husband and scrapbooking with my friends. My time was not mine anymore, and that was hard during those first months.
Fast forward 365 days...what a difference! Maelin has become such an integral part of our little family that we can't fathom life without her...she is very attached to her 'new' Mama and Baba and no longer grieves for her first family. We often talk about the adoption journey: Mama and Baba were sad because we were home alone with no MaeMae (i don't mention that i used to read books and take naps - LOL!), so we flew to China to pick her up! We also talk about 'other' mama and baba, who took care of MaeMae while she was waiting for us to come and get her. We say that they loved her very much. Academically, she's making tons of progress in her first year of preschool at the Michigan School for the Deaf -- she counts to 20 (in both speech and sign), she recognizes 23 capital letters of the alphabet, tries to sing the ABC song (my favorite part is, "dubba-lou, eck, y, deeeee!"), and has an expressive sign vocabulary of about 400 signs.
Tonight the three of us drove to our homestudy agency in Bingham Farms for our final post-placement visit with social worker Lorie (Leslie stayed in the dorm). Afterward, we went out for a celebration dinner at Joe's Crab Shack in Auburn Hills. We kept telling Maelin, "Happy One Year!"
Thanks for reading, and thanks for staying with us during this incredible journey!
Much love,
Mama, Baba, Leslie and Maelin
Congratulations! Your story is beautiful and amazing!
Happy One Year! Congratualtions! It's really more than you could have imagined isn't it, to be a family I mean. How incredible it all really is.
Maelin is such a sweet little girl, to see her you know that she is just bubbly and happy, she's so very intellingent. She knows she is loved beyond all measure. What a wonderful life you and Jim are providing for her, she is one very blessed child and you guys are very blessed parents. You guys are awesome! I admire you very much. Thank you for sharing your lives with us all, I've truly enjoyed the ride. You really bless my heart.
Love ya,
Hiya guys!
All i can say is.... hand me the tissues! Wow a whole year huh? She is a true gift isnt she? BUT you are to her too. I am so touched buy your story and like i said before it takes someone trully special to take a child and love it as there own. God bless you all! Tara and David
Such a truly blessed family She is so precious enjoy every special moment with her they grow up so fast I know as I am helping with the third generation and each one is special I am so glad you are letting her know how blessed she is to have had not only this family to love her but also another and that she was chosen and this makes her extra special
Love and hugs Ellen and Jason
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