Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the school pic

Ohmygoodness...could she be any cuter if she tried?!? I just love how her picture turned out this year! And just so you know, i ordered the photo CD with her school pics, so i'm legal having a digital copy of this :)

Things are going really well in school for Maelin. She's right back into the swing of things and loving school. I'll share a couple of cute stories, just because i can ;)

Last week she was saying/signing something that i just couldn't understand....which is really not common, because i truly understand about 99% of what she says/signs. She kept saying, "Where is the speech .....?" and i just couldn't get the last word. The sign wasn't accurate, the speech wasn't helping...finally i figured it out ... she was asking, "Where is the speech THERAPIST?" I didn't know she knew that word!! I was glad to have figured it out, and i was impressed at her growing vocabulary!

Here's another one: today i had a doctor's appointment in the morning, so there was a sub teacher for a couple of hours. When i returned, i found out that some of the students, including Maelin, had not behaved well during Morning Meeting time, and they'd had time-outs. I sat them down and told them that i was sad, upset and embarrassed about their behavior for a substitute. Maelin said, "You sad, Mom?" I said, yes, i was upset with their behavior. She said, "But you still love me." LOL!! Yes, my sweet...even when i'm sad about your behavior, i still love you to bits!!!

That's all for now...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is an adorable pic. She looks so cute in her PURPLE glasses! Haley's pics turned out really cute too, At least I think so! I will have to email it to ya. I bought the CD too! Yup when they misbehave we do get very sad but they always make up for it in some sweet way. There have been a few times that Haley knew she did wrong and before I could say anything to her she said "You love me right?" Then she would tell me she was sorry. She knows the right buttons to push! I can't believe how much Malin has grown, compare the then and now pics here, wow! Thanks again for sharing. Love it!
Hugs, Connie